Senin, 21 Juli 2014

Traditionally Youth

It has been past final week, and I feel bad for not posting drafts that I should have posted sooner. So, I guess I might as well posted them here rather than having the photos and stories being wasted :)

In this post I would like to talk about an event that I attended several weeks ago. I support a friend of mine in a contest called 'Remaja Ceria' for East Jakarta region. The final night was broadcasted live from TVRI and I happened to come to the studio.

Remaja Ceria is a contest that has been held for years. This time the theme is called J.A.V.A. It actually stands for Journey to Another Valuable Achievement, but they also take the literal meaning and pick the culture of Java as the part of the event. It is shown for example through their dance choreography and outfits.

 It is good to see how the traditional culture is brought again by the youth nowadays. In regards to this post, you might also check out the post I wrote about Mr and Ms President University here.

Also, congratulations to all the winner! So proud that both contestants from PresUniv took the 2nd runner up place, they will then proceed to the next round which is Remaja Ceria Jakarta. Best of luck to you guys!


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