Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

Mr and Ms President University 2014

"'GLORY FOR THE VICTORY" was the tagline for Mr and Ms President University 2014 (MMPU), one of the biggest events organized by President University Student Union (PUSU). This year, MMPU took a special theme that we can all be proud of. It is none other than INDONESIAN HERITAGE.

Last two years, the theme involved around Asian Heritage and last year it was related to European culture. Finally, MMPU took the Indonesia's culture as the theme. I am very lucky to be able to participate in the event as one of the committee. Specifically, as the member of decoration team.

Now, when I remember those days, there are surely lots of batik, as well as wayang and candi borobudur's drawing as the decoration ornament.

(image via Mr & Ms PresUniv twitter)

I love how they were all wearing Indonesian traditional clothes on their first catwalk. It kinda reminds me of Kartini Day when I was in elementary school, except that this is a more grown-up version haha.

(image via Mr & Ms PresUniv twitter)

And for the next appearance, they were changing into batik! It is no doubt that batik can be very fashionable and trendy. The picture proves it. 

Anyway, I didn't get the chance to take the pictures of the decoration because the audience seats were really dark, and also I didn't bring my camera : ( too bad. 

Here is the bonus: 

(image via Mr & Ms PresUniv twitter)

Congratulations for all finalists and winners! Hopefully you guys will continue on supporting Indonesian culture in the future. : D

and to read more about the event, head over to the twitter here.


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