Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

Vote for Change!

Hello everyone! Sorry I have been away for quite some time. I know I know, it has been two weeks since my last post. I was really busy and, the internet connection did not work properly in my campus, not to mention the dormitory. Also, I was feeling unwell this past few days. But worry not, I am feeling much better now. I am catching up with all the posts I meant to blog. So, do^expect new post everyday! ^o^

Enough with the babbling, because today is the day! Finally, the long awaited Presidential Election is happening today, Wednesday, July 9th 2014 in Indonesia!

See, even Google created a special Google Doodle for this once-in-five-years event. If you guys have the right to vote, please use it wisely. One vote will definitely make a difference!

You guys may or may not have seen the stream of campaigns, either supporting Prabowo-Hatta or Jokowi-JK. I do not want to be biased here, and since I do not really understand politics, I have no right to judge or to critic the candidates. Of course both of the candidates have their own positive and negative side. We can always watch, listen and observe what we saw in TV, newspaper, or social media. But we will never know if it is the truth or not. 

The thing about this year's election though, the youth really take a huge part in supporting or promoting their chosen candidate thanks to social media. As one of the avid /ahem/ user of twitter, facebook, path, instagram, etc, there sure are lots of the campaign. 

Another great thing about this election is that it has become a creative outlet for artist all over Indonesia to show their support. Though controversial, you may have seen the campaign video featuring Ahmad Dhani. On the other hand, I saw lots of independent artist are showing their support in instagram 

All in all, vote wisely, this is not the chance you get everyday. 5 minutes you spend voting (exclude the queuing and going back and forth to TPS okay) could lead to a totally different 5 years for Indonesia. 

Have a good day! And enjoy your holiday!


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