Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

Follow Friday +02

First of all, you guys, I have just known that today, USA celebrates the National Donut Day! Learn more about the celebration here. And take a look at this gorgeous post about the celebration and giveaway, unfortunately I am not a US resident *sobs*

(image via studiodiy)

Well anyway, for this week's Follow Friday, regarding the National Donut Day, I will be talking about FOOD ^^ It is no doubt that people can not live without food. They have to get nutrition and vitamin and everything else from the food in order to have power and to grow up. Like it or not, food has become a part of our culture. each country has their own authentic dishes. The nation's dish usually make people relate the food to the country automatically. For example, sushi from Japan, pizza from Italy, kimchi from Korea, etc etc.

And of course, I can't be anymore prouder to see some of Indonesian dishes in the world's 50 best foods in the world voted by CNN readers! Read the article here! ^^

Or to sum it up for you guys, 
(image via wikipedia)

Satay or sate in Indonesian took the 14th place. No doubt, satay is soooo delicious, Especially when you order it in street hawker near my house. As the matter of fact, I have just bought sate ayam (chicken satay), because, I can't resist. LOL.

(image via anekakreasiresepmasakan on blogspot)
Guess what is on the second place? It is Nasi Goreng (fried rice)! I have to admit too, that I am a big fan of this dish. It is very simple to make nasi goreng that everyone who can cook must have been able to make this. And even if you can't cook, there are so many people selling nasi goreng! From nasi tek-tek, street hawker, school canteen, even a restaurant in the mall. 

(image via indonesiaeats)
You guys might have heard about this, but yes, RENDANG gets the first spot on the World's 50 Most Delicious Food. I know that this dish is very well-known and well-accepted in Indonesia. What amazes me is that even foreign people actually know, eat and love rendang! In Indonesia, you can easily find this in Padang or Minang restaurant. And the good thing is, you can find Padang or Minang restaurant easily in Indonesia. Yay!

There are still lots and lots of Indonesia's amazing dishes. But really it's late at night and I am drooling haha. That's it for now, I probably will (or will not) talk about food again later. Off to finish my super yummy sate ayam ^^


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