Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

Follow Friday +01

Hey ho! Just like my other blog (which is now on hiatus), I will be having a feature called Follow Friday where I will be sharing links or blogs or probably musics or movies that are related to CULTURE so that you will be able to follow it through and hopefully get inspired ;)

How is your holiday guys? I hope you are having fun. Are you spending your free time hanging out or are you guys staying at home and spending your time on internet? If you do, then here is a great website you should definitely check out! This site is called Good News From Indonesia.

It is not a doubt that most of the news that we see in the mass media from TV to newspaper to magazines are mostly bad news or negative news. It is such a shame that the negative news are dominating the society and overshadowing the good side of Indonesia.

(image via GNFI's twitter)

What is Good News From Indonesia?
Good News From Indonesia is committed to compiling and sharing only good news from many different sources because we appreciate positiveness and optimism; and especially from Indonesia because we believe our country has a lot of good things to offer. And it is also our intent to show the world of the brighter side of Indonesia so that they can see and understand us in the best possible way.

I am truly impressed with this site because instead of following the crowd, the team behind this site see Indonesia from the better point of view. They are also reminding us how Indonesia is not always about negative things. In fact, there are so many things that leave me in awe and make me become more grateful to be able to live, stay and be a part of Indonesia.

(image via GNFI's twitter)

So, if you still have doubt about Indonesia, or you simply don't know how to spend your free time, I recommend you to checkout this site. Also you can catch them and get the latest info through their social media, which you can find in the 'About' page.


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